Voluminous information
28 Nov, 2011Background
The Appellant sought information about the appointments given to the dependents of the deceased employees on compassionate ground since 2006. The PIO gave detailed information to the Applicant in a tabular form. Not satisfied, the appellant approached the FAA. The FAA stated that the sought information (belonging to almost 600 aspirants) runs into 10 to 15 thousands of pages, and is maintained in different files at different places, thus providing it was not possible. The appellant was given an option of inspection of the relevant records to identify the specific piece(s) of information he sought. The appellant refused for the same.
View of CIC
The CIC observed that the volume of the information the Appellant demanded was huge, the disclosure of which would indeed disproportionately divert the resources of the public authority Under Section 7 (9). The commission upheld the decision of the Appellate Authority and also recommended that after inspection, if the Appellant desires, he shall be entitled to receive first 50 pages of information free of cost.
Inspection of relevant documents is a suitable option, if the applicant is not sure about the specific information that he desires.
Shri Sukh Lal Jharkhand v/s East Central Railway Dhanbad [CIC/AD/A/2011/002052]