A one stop destination for all Right to Information (RTI) matters
one stop destination for all Right to Information (RTI) matters

Information regarding bidders for SBI - CIC: Appellant has been provided with the available information; CPIO has also explained the unviability of the information related to the remaining bidders during the hearing, which leaves no scope of intervention     Right to Information Act 2005    Information about Directors & Deans in Raksha Shakti University and Rashtriya Raksha University - CIC: Information available on record has been provided; A lot of information is already available in public domain; No further intervention necessary     Right to Information Act 2005    Information about BPCL Petro Cards - CIC: U/s 19(8)(a)(iii), BPCL adviced to publish relevant information regarding upgradation of the IT platform from New Loyalty Program to Advanced Loyalty program on their website to ensure wider dissemination of info     Right to Information Act 2005    Appellant: Document on the basis of which the Competition Commission arrived at a conclusion was not provided - PIO: Inspection of records was offered - CIC: Appellant is at liberty to avail inspection of records as earlier offered on a convenient date     Right to Information Act 2005    Information about Grievance Petition submitted to PMO and steps taken by DARPG to address the issue as per CPGRAMS norms - PIO: Grievance has been closed by AICTE; Name, designation of concerned person is available on portal - CIC: No further intervention     Right to Information Act 2005    Appellant: Copy of passport renewal application of my wife is not exempt u/s 8 (1) (j) as marriage is presently valid; Apprehension that false information regarding marital status has been indicated - CIC: Personal information of a third party is exempt     Right to Information Act 2005    Vijai Sharma and K V Chowdary appointed as CIC and CVC respectively     Right to Information Act 2005    Is the Mysore Police Commissioner’s office coming up without plan approval?     Right to Information Act 2005    No action taken against the illegal massage parlours or spas in Goa     Right to Information Act 2005    Are there norms about the fee a school should charge and the facilities it offers?     Right to Information Act 2005    There is only 1 primary health centre per 28 villages of UP     Right to Information Act 2005    Services of all OSDs / Consultants terminated by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai     Right to Information Act 2005    Chief Information Commissioner has powers to frame Regulations for the constitution of Benches under RTI     Right to Information Act 2005    Chief Information Commissioner has powers to frame Regulations tfor constitution of Benches     Right to Information Act 2005    Are the state-funded ‘public trust institutions’ obligated to provide ‘information’ under the RTI Act?     Right to Information Act 2005   
2nd edition of "PIOs Guide on RTI" published - Based on study of over one lakh orders of CIC and judgments of Courts - Book carries subject wise case laws, latest legal updates, Practical tips for PIOs and FAAs - Needs of all stakeholders covered

Case Laws

April 24, 2021
CIC: Despite being entrusted with a duty of replying to RTI Applications in a time bound manner, the PIO failed to ensure proper service of the reply; PIO warned to ensure future correspondences under RTI Act are sent through registered/speed post only...more>>
April 22, 2021
NRHM claimed that expenditure related details with respect to the projects are held by the concerned State Government - Andhra Pradesh Information Commission had communicated that the Second Appeal should be addressed to the CIC - NRHM to explain ...more>>

April 20, 2021
CIC: For point no. 3, the appellant was asked to get the information from DG NCC; If this information was not available, the PIO should have transferred this point to the holder of the information or could have sought assistance from them as per RTI Act...more>>
April 17, 2021
PIO: Information asked regarding the salary/ payment audit report and objection of auditor on the pay scale of supervisory staff of Cantonment Board contains the disclosure of information of individuals - CIC: Denial of information u/s 8(1)(e) upheld ...more>>

April 15, 2021
Show-cause notice issued to PIO for penalty u/s 20 - CIC issued an advisory that orders/judgments of the CAT, Mumbai should be regularly uploaded on their website so that the citizens do not feel constrained to file RTI Applications to seek their copy ...more>>
April 13, 2021
Proof of payment made by IOCL against certain invoices raised by Supreme Advertising was sought - CIC: Appellant is seeking information in his individual capacity which is of commercial nature between IOCL and SAPL; Exempt u/s 8(1)(d) read with 8(1)(j)...more>>